It snowed 10 inches where I live... I hate snow and if you remember correctly I'm not supposed to be here in Connecticut.. I won't dwell on that.. I paid someone to take the snow off my car and I moved it to a clean parking place.. I have actually been home for 3 days. That is the longest period of time ever.. I'm practicing for the future because I know it will happen some day.. My Mustang needs work and I am thinking about fixing that.. I love going to the store shopping for food but now all supermarkets deliver when you order on the internet.. Its like I know what will happen and I don't like it.. I said years ago that I like my freedom..I have been hanging around with people in my building that do what I do more or less.. Change is not a nice word but when you know the end is getting closer it you really think about it..
©"Between a Rock and a Hard Place"
"One Nation Under God"
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Friday, December 18, 2020
"No News is Good News"
Monday, November 9, 2020
"Who Me?"
I was in the Hospital for 3 days last week for something called a Duodenal Ulceration, Anemia and Acute Kidney Injury. I have no idea how or why this happened. They don't know ether. I haven't had a sick day in many years and then this happened. One day it was a normal day then for 3 days I had a never ending slight nagging pain in my stomach.. I finally called 911 and they took me to the Hospital in a Ambulance. Can you believe that? .. I haven't been to a Hospital in years and discovered that it was a good place to be for something like this.. Didn't have Surgery but they knocked me out and did a procedure by mouth.. I'm much better now just going for blood tests and Doctors visits.. I'm on a Medication that works taking the pain away and now I can sleep at night.. I will say the Hospital was a nice experience and the Nurses and Doctors were wonderful.. So young and smart and easy to talk to.. I felt like someone special.. One night a beautiful RN came and gave me a Melatonin so I could sleep at night because I mentioned that I take one before I go to bed.. I was quite impressed by that.. Now its Blood tests and Doctors visits.. Because of Covid the Doctor called me on the phone with instructions on different things. Blood test tomorrow and Doctors appointment Dec. 1st. And on and on it goes .... Good luck out there and God Bless..
Monday, October 5, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020
"War in the U.S."
Lets face it. Its like we are in sort of a war…All of us go around gleefully ignoring what is happening around us pretending that we are in a bubble. We go out each day never really knowing if you are going to come home safe. 10 or 15 years ago you would leave in morning saying, “See you tonight Hun” and never really think about it because it felt like it was going to happen. Hey, it was a sure thing. Now, in 2011 the chances of coming home are less than were 10 years ago. The store you go into might be the last store you ever stop in. The cars that crash on the highway are going so fast they disintegrate into unrecognizable pieces. The office or shop you work in could be the last place you ever go. Do you trust the person in the next room, the customer that just walked in, the guy that sits next to you. Everywhere you go you see strangers speaking a foreign language. I don’t understand what they are saying. Today I feel suspicious of the people around me. That, it can’t happen to me attitude isn't there anymore. Are they talking about me or planning something? A Congress woman was shot in the head and a Federal judge killed, plus others were killed in the melee yesterday. I’ve been on Twitter for the past few weeks reading and reporting on the insanity in this country by way of links and I’ll tell you its really bad out there. Its just not safe anymore. The anger is a silent and deadly. Its contagious and dangerous. You can actually see it and feel it. Anywhere you go, you don’t know if someone has a gun or a bomb. Remember a few years ago when a post office worker shot and killed his fellow workers. The phrase, ‘Dude, don’t go postal on me” was born. Well, its not funny anymore and its happening everywhere now. It could be the person standing next to you on the bus or in a subway or in a plane. It could be in that coffee shop or Super Market you go to in the morning. It doesn’t matter what State you are in its happening everywhere. It could be your neighbor. Its just not safe anymore. If it happens to you, maybe you will never know and probably won’t hear the shots. Although its safe to say it will be recorded and shown on the news or U Tube at a later date… Keith Olbermann is right, its domestic terrorism and its got to stop. I think its too late. Some really tough changes have to be made...
Sunday, August 30, 2020
"Working at Bradley Airport"
Being retired for a while now I feel bad for the folks that have to work or go to school… I remember very well days when the airport would call. The lights would go out on a runway because of the rain. It usually meant that an electrical vault was flooded and filled with water and shorted out the circuits. Fun, fun, fun…..It didn’t take long for me long to fix that. It was that phone call at the early hour that was the pain…Today, I sort of wish I could go to the airport and make a runway check. That was the fun part of the job especially when it was busy. Between flights I would get clearance from the tower and make a run down the main runway to check the runway lights and pick up debris…Yes debris…Pieces of rubber from blown tires and a few times the baggage door that wasn’t closed properly and blew off. Bird parts….Poor birds that the plane hit. One time I picked up a tail cone from a United 720 that fell off because the tail hit the pavement when he landed with the nose too high. At times I would be half way down the 2 mile main runway and a 707 or 747 would be landing right behind me…As I was turning off the end to the taxi way at about a 100 miles an hour, I could the see people looking at me out the windows…Talk about good timing….One morning the alarm radio woke me with the news that a plane almost hit a maintenance vehicle that was on the runway…..Its feels uncomfortable when the news is about you….I had a great job and loved what I did…Thank you for your love and guidance Dad…..I was one of the electricians that put in those 3 lights on the top of the mountain at the approach of runway 15 at Bradley International Airport in Connecticut……
Friday, August 28, 2020
"Bird Nest"
While walking in the woods today, guess what I found? It always makes me wonder how creative these little guys are.. To pick up every piece of grass and twigs to make a livable nest.. Its Amazing..