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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ten Years Later, Flight 93 Memorial Still Unfinished : NPR

Ten Years Later, Flight 93 Memorial Still Unfinished : NPR:

"The airplane crashed outside the town of Shanksville in southwestern Pennsylvania, and a decade later, it's the only one of the three major Sept. 11 memorials that has yet to be fully funded.
The field where Flight 93 crashed still looks a lot like it would have on the morning of Sept. 11 — a rolling meadow of grass and wildflowers, with a picturesque red barn in the distance. The memorial exhibit will be formally dedicated in a ceremony on Sept. 10, but for now visitors can only gaze down at it from a hilltop about 1,000 feet away. Visitors Dale Dremann of South Carolina and Jim Spatafore of Pennsylvania wonder why the memorial isn't further along."

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