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Saturday, August 26, 2017

"Still Here"

I was thinking.. Here I am after a three year adventure into the unknown.. Someone said I was on a Sabbatical.. True although not in a religious sense, I actually explored the whole East Coast of America while on my search for a warmer climate to live in… I did live in World War II housing so primitive I was embarrassed. As you know I would go to various Motels just to get out or get away from my surrounding's. I give credit to the people that live in that place just for staying there.. I tried to explain to them that there were better places but they were stuck there.. However some left including myself but they continue to stay.. I guess people become locked in to somewhere moving is too inconvenient or too much work.. My Dad said "I have gypsy blood" because of my desire to move at a moments notice.. I think I'm done with that though… Stay tuned…

Friday, August 25, 2017

"New Day"

 The tourists and lookie-loos will be gone soon and my beaches will be vacant again..  My new thing now to do is go to the beach and listen to my book on CD on my phone. I have a comfortable new low beach chair and all I have to do is lay back and listen.. I got here in July and have not installed my Air Conditioner.. I've gotten three pretty low electric bills so far.  That’s how I count how long I've been home… What does that mean? I don't know.. Its getting cooler I guess. I'm on the sun comes in the morning side of the building so its naturally cooler now in my apartment.
        I've thought about it but I haven't been back to the old place. That's a good thing. I do miss a few people there but I really don't want to be in that area anymore.. Here I have been finding new shortcuts through the woods where there is no traffic. Speed seems to be the way everyone does things now-a-days so no traffic in the woods is the way to go.. Just like the old days. No highways where everyone seems to be going 95 mph plus..  Takes a little longer but I love it… Its true my life is changing for the good I think.. I don't look at what happened to me as a bad thing. It was a tough learning experience.. My loving Dad was right as usual when he said, "You learn by your mistakes…


         Settled in and comfortable, back to doing things like the old days. Got writers block sort of but at least you have my Tweets once and a while.. Don't know if I like this new page but I'll give it a try.. Weird stuff going on in this world of ours.. I don't know what to think.. Thank God I'm at the age where I know I won't have to deal with the future they are going to have.. I mean I'm going to be around for a while longer but I don't think its going to be a nice place in 50 or so years.. However, I was thinking that the earth has been here for millions of years its going to be here for a while longer good or bad..  I like the way things were, not where they are going.. This internet has given us more knowledge than we need. Things are happening too much to fast. The kids with those hand held computers and phones. Crime and violence everywhere, its really sad. I have no solution's or ways around these things. Just sadness and a constant question...  Why?

Monday, August 14, 2017


                          Racism is worse than it ever was. It will never stop. Its been going on since the slaves were set free. Changing street names, relocating or knocking down a few statues will never help.. Like banning the Confederate flag, its only going to piss people off..The fighting will get worse and people will die.. Just remember , “No history is mute. No matter how much they own it, break it, and lie about it, human history refuses to shut its mouth. Despite deafness and ignorance, the time that was continues to tick inside the time that is.” - Eduardo Galeno