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Friday, July 24, 2020

"Only Today"


Its one of those days that I sit here and look at the little blinking line on the word processor. Sometimes its a challenge to come up with something interesting to write about. Lets face it. By choice, I live a very, I’ll never say boring life. More like, “Laid back” are the right words. I could write about the past but nothing brilliant comes to mind…I could write about the future but lets face it, we really don’t know what’s going to happen in the next minute. Here's Proof read on...... I was thinking yesterday afternoon on the way home in the wind and rain that I was almost home safely. Wait, I thought, not really. I was 2 miles from home and approaching an intersection and I thought what if someone goes through the red light and broadsides my car? No, I made it through the light but did slow down and I looked both ways first. Then I thought, as I was driving by a convenience store. What if someone with a gun comes out shooting and inadvertently fires at my car as I’m driving by? No, that didn’t happen…..I then glanced in the rear view mirror and thought what if someone rear ended me in an out of control Toyota a 100 miles an hour. Nobody was behind me. A mile to go and I thought as I was driving down my tree lined street in the wind and rain, what if a tree limb broke on one of these huge trees and went through my windshield. Nope, not today….Now I’m a half mile from home and I thought what if someone is shooting at cars from one of these homes, because of anger “Sniper style” and randomly shoots at me? Didn’t happen….Wow, I was turning into my drive way safe at last but wait, what if there is a terrorist in my building with a bomb? Well, I won’t go into that……Laid back or boring? Life in this country is one day at a time. Are you in control of your life or is that Higher Power in the LJ question the other day sort of watching over things? I happen to think I wasn’t in control yesterday. I was 2 miles from home and well, you know what I mean………

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