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Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Written on Dec. 5, 2008"

OK, OK just a little bit on the car companies….No, No, No. Do not loan, give, or bailout the car companies with tax dollars! Tell the banks to lend the car folks part of the $700 billion given to them. What’s with all these separate loans. These big-shot CEO’s live like kings. Mansions, private freaking jets, limos. Who do they think they are? Don’t people save for a rainy day anymore? In my working days they cut back the hours we worked from eight to seven. The thirty-hour work week was born. Do what I would do, Cut back on the spending. Don’t buy as much or only buy what you need. Don’t charge anything! There are so many solutions. What I would like to see all is the people in this country not buy or charge anything and pay back all the money they borrowed from their creditors. The grocery stores are still charging the high prices.. What’s up with that? A barrel of crude is just forty-five dollars. A gallon of gas is a dollar sixty-nine. Don’t they know that? That’s a hundred dollars less per barrel than last July. Three dollars less per gallon, If the super markets with all those cavernous stores go out of business they deserve it or will they get a freaking loan from the government? What is going on? A few years ago people were complaining that the taxes were too high. Where is all this money coming from? I am what you could call a survivor and I could live with much less that I have. I don’t owe anybody anything and I am proud of that. It bothers me to sit back and think of all the poor souls getting those bills from all those credit card companies with those high interest rates and what they must be going through. To me its like owing money to the mob only they don’t break limbs or kill you. They make you suffer psychologically and its legal. They just attach your paycheck and take the money. Then you can’t make payments to anything else or feed the family. Its “literally” a viscous cycle. I think people today are programmed like zombies or robots because they don’t know or weren’t taught anything else. They are even given the label “Consumers“. They accept that and go along in life spending. They are convinced by commercials into wanting things they can’t afford so they charge it. You know, those ten easy payments. What else could it be? Oh well, I’ve given my opinion and like it or not the bottom line is when it comes to money, its buy only what you need and pay your bills before you buy anything else. Its really that simple.

               Look at the way it is today…November 12, 2011 

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