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Saturday, May 14, 2011

From Twitter 05-13-2011

Ron Paul seeking Republican nomination, his third time He ran as a Libertarian in 1988 and sought the GOP bid in 2008. No rejection problem.
Paying Aston Kutcher a million dollars an episode is $999,000 too much. Especially for a fill in. Without Charlie its a waste of time..
@JenifferLove88 They should worry. They are trying to end Social Security as we know it..Things do not look for the future...
CBS - Pakistan bombings kill 80 to avenge bin Laden - Wow, these people are really the bastards of the world.
Mom Who Gave 8 yr old Girl Botox Under Investigation - WFSB Hartford: via @addthis I certainly hope so...
Kardashian Mom Sorry For Saying Daughter Porky - WFSB Hartford: via @addthis Hey, if it looks like a duck?
Islamic Faith Healer Marries 107 Women, Fathers 185 Children - Family News via @addthis - I won't say a word about this
NPR When Wall Street Cheats, Do We Lose? NPR: Anytime someone steals sooner or later we pay. Look at the way it is now..

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