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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Egyptian court rules against virginity tests -

Egyptian court rules against virginity tests -

"Cairo (CNN) -- An Egyptian administrative court issued an order Tuesday banning virginity tests for female detainees, months after several women alleged they were subjected to such examinations following a March protest in Cairo's Tahrir Square.
The ruling comes in the case of Samira Ibrahim, a 25-year-old marketing manager who took the country's military led-government to court in August, alleging she was among those subjected to the test after her arrest during the March 9 protest. She said she faced death threats after bringing the case."

Comment.....Think you have heard it all? Well you have now...
My question is, what is going to happen to the Jihadist terrorist who blows himself up to get his grimy paws on those 40 virgins when he gets to Allah land or where ever these freaks go after they die. I mean how will he know if he is getting what he died for. It could be that one of those so-called Virgins was a drug addict hooker from the streets of  Baghdad. Are these dead woman going to be tested before dying or after dying?
Another thought is....Do the Muslims check those young Muslim girls in the United States before they marry them? You know the girls that go to your local High School and hang around with those promiscuous white teen girls that watch MTV and those sexy movies. You know how they talk to each other...These days they are tempted and teased into trying anything... Aren't these young Muslim things promised to some old guy when they get a certain age? How will they know they haven't been violated by some High School jock? Hey, this sounds like an episode of L&O Special Victims unit....I can see the Muslim dad now trying to check his daughter with a retractable ruler, yelling don't move, stay still you little Bitch. I need to sell you to Abdula...

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