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Friday, December 18, 2020

"No News is Good News"

          It snowed 10 inches where I live... I hate snow and if you remember correctly I'm not supposed to be here in Connecticut.. I won't dwell on that.. I paid someone to take the snow off my car and I moved it to a clean parking place.. I have actually been home for 3 days. That is the longest period of time ever.. I'm practicing for the future because I know it will happen some day.. My Mustang needs work and I am thinking about fixing that..  I love going to the store shopping for food but now all supermarkets deliver when you order on the internet.. Its like I know what will happen and I don't like it.. I said years ago that I like my freedom..I have been hanging around with people in my building that do what I do more or less.. Change is not a nice word but when you know the end is getting closer it you really think about it..