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Tuesday, April 19, 2016


       Fact - 70 percent of all medically-important antibiotics in the U.S. are sold for use on chickens, cattle, pigs and turkeys -- not people. Industrial farms routinely feed antibiotics to animals that aren’t even sick to help them grow faster and survive crowded, unsanitary conditions -- and that helps breed dangerous drug-resistant bacteria that can give people difficult-to-treat infections. The Chickens are locked in small cages suffering and crying used only for their eggs and then slaughtered for fast food nuggets. Believe me, they mince and feed you everything on that chicken including the fat and skin. It’s the same with fish. If you knew how they make Fish-sticks you would never eat that crap again. Hamburger? Its not exactly beef. Maybe a little beef chemical flavor but don't forget they grind up every part of the cow. Private parts, brains tongues and God only knows what else. Keep in mind they don't waste anything. You could mention that they bleach wash that meat and add chemicals, growth hormones and steroids. Mention the torture and pain of a slaughter house. Yes, whether a creature was grown for food or not. It can feel pain...They know when they are going to be killed. Did you ever hear a pig scream?   Did you tell them what was in that hamburger? Its not exactly beef. Maybe a little beef chemical flavor but don't forget they grind up every part of the cow. Private parts, brains tongues and God only knows what else. Keep in mind they don,t waste anything. Mention the chemicals and growth hormones and steroids and the torture and pain of a slaughter house.

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