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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"A Hug From a Stranger"

   While I was walking on the beach last night I met a young woman. Well, compared to me she was young. She stopped me and asked for information about where we were. She was obviously new to the area. It was very cold and it was just her and me and miles of beach and seagulls. We started talking about where we were and she mentioned to me that her husband walked out on her after many years of marriage and she just moved to the area...No, I don’t why things like this happen to me…I told her the short version on how same thing happened to me a few years ago and explained that it takes time to get over that kind of trauma after so many years of being together. I explained that one of the first steps of healing process is to learn to like yourself and to take life a little at a time. The end of this conversation led to a hug after I suggested to her that it was fate that we met and that I would pray for her. She made me promise that I would and I did. Her name was Debbie. Yesterday, I hugged a perfect stranger on the beach. What a nice surprise. I really like when that happens...

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