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Saturday, April 9, 2011

From Twitter 04-08-2011

From Twitter 04-07-2011
"In ancient times strangers shook hands to show that they were unarmed". Huh, Its like that now...
UConn Looking For School Bands For Parade - Its what happens when you cut programs... via @addthis
CNN has a shut down clock...As they wheel and deal with your tax dollars Gas prices go up and no one cares....
One of the problems is, in Washington they think that a Billion dollars is a small amount of money.. They say its "Nickels and dimes"
@60goingon40 Thats right but you also have the time to worry about the stupid decisions and the consequences of these decisions.
Iowa's J. Wilson Halfway Through Beer-Only Lent Fast: via @addthis...There are a lot of good AA meetings in his area...
@kbucketusa This is just another bill for the American taxpayers..
RT @kbucketusa: What happened to the American hikers in Iranian prisons - - seems like deals are being made in the ba ...
Will I get paid? What will be open? What can I expect? - via @addthis..All will go back to normal..Retroactively..
“Glee and Bullies”
Tens of thousands of Egyptian protesters demand Mubarak prosecution - via @addthis
@HumaneSociety Beautiful story..If more people were like this the world would be at peace..
RT @samirbalwani: @newmediajim Wow thats beautiful! Hope you're well Jim!
Karen Moore, 42 an Army Recruiter, Killed At Home Thursday, 15 Year Old Daughter Charged: via @addthis
New York - Church Posts $25'000 Bail for Afrika Owes. Shes accused of drug dealing and gun running. via @addthis
Johnson & Johnson Fined $70 Million - Paid Bribes to health-care providers Overseas: Feds | NBC New York: via @addthis
MURRYSVILLE, Pa. - Frederick Harris III 43 Jailed For 'Squatting' In Upscale Home - WFSB Hartford: via @addthis
NBC's 'Today' Show Faces Transitions - ABC News: via @addthis Its ABC's GMA that really needs a makeover...
@kbucketusa Forgive your enemies, but always know where they are.- Me
Real Housewives of Washington D.C. get the axe | Reuters: via @addthis Now all they have to do is get rid of Glee.
Alabama House Passes Anti-illegal Alien Bill: via @addthis
25-year-old Woman Out of Coma After Parking Spot Beating by Oscar Fuller He ran the scene. | NBC New York:
West Haven Conn.John Billingslea, 34 Accused in 7-Year-Old's Death Waives Jury Trial | NBC Connecticut: via @addthis
Accused Croc's Crooks Tyler Sullivan, 18, of Clinton; Lindsey Clark, 20, of Hamden; Brittany Lindgren, 20, Arrested
Greenfield Daily - Photo of the Day Two 22-foot steel beams taken from the site of the World Trade Center. via @addthis
Government shutdown avoided? GOP reviewing latest offer - Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan - POLITICO via @addthis
Italy, France agree on immigration patrol: ........ / If they stop them there, will we stop them from coming over here?

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