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Saturday, April 30, 2011

From Twitter 04-29-2011

New York - Hope Reichbach 22, who worked for Councilman Steve Levin Found Dead | NBC New York: via @addthis
Who else but big oil makes Billions of dollars knowing that there is suffering, depression and pain and will brag about it....
Welcome to my world.. - Today at beach near me...
Welcome to my world.. via @twitpic
@HuffPostPol @mbaram Trump has been sued for trivial things countless times..Whats your point? And who really cares?
Sanders Wants Crackdown on Wall Street Speculation on Oil Prices via @addthis - Someone has to do something.
@f396 Is Oprah a citizen? I want to see her birthing papers..
@ParisHilton @ParisOnOxygen @KathyHilton @AllisonMelnick @CamRaFace @NickyHilton ....Yes, OK but will Kathy follow me is the question?
Lara Logan breaks silence on Cairo assault - 60 Minutes - CBS News: via @addthis
@Wary12 @nbc @msnbc You might ask him what if anything is he going to do about the gas prices. People are hurting....
UConn Professor Alexandru Dragos Asandei, 43 Arrested for Bad Joke | via @addthis Check is citizenship papers...
Amity High Student Daniel Cote, 18, of Bethany Ct. Charged With Pot Dealing | NBC Connecticut: via @addthis
@The_Anti_Obama @f396 - Although he does have time to go on the Oprah show..Is she a citizen?
Taken a few weeks ago in Clinton Conn. I call it Low bridge..
Taken a few weeks ago in Clinton Conn. Do you think he was texting and didn't notice the low bridge? - via @twitpic

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