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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Dennis Lehane"

Every once and a while I write a book report and this my contribution for this month…..I have just finished reading Mr. Lehane’s new book “Moonlight Mile”. Well, let me tell you, it’s definitely not a “Shutter Island” or “Mystic River”, that’s for sure. Sometimes I wonder if gifted author’s like Lehane will ever come back to their true form. Granted, the other books were what I would consider masterpieces but it seems that once these guys write a great book or two they lose something. Maybe its because the books are made into movies. I don’t know? Mr. Lehane is not alone when it comes to being stagnant. The others are, Paterson, Stanford and Flynn. Something is missing with the books they write today. They have become predictable and boring. Maybe they just write pulp fiction now. A lot of meaningless words, just enough to be able to put the book out there quicker than the next guy. This is what it has become. There are those who are consistently producing good material and taking their time between books. They are James Lee Burke, Wally Lamb and a few others. I recently discovered Pete Hamill. He has been writing books for years and his tales of New York are extraordinary. Lee Child is another good one and he sticks with one character. When you start reading, you are there with “Jack Reacher” till the end. At least you know what you are in for..There was a time when I looked forward to reading, or in my case listening to a book on CD by these guys but now I search for fresh talent. Or old talent as the case may be. Lahane’s new one, “Moonlight Mile” is disappointing to say the least. I did finish it but what can say and that’s a good thing. He needs to go back to the drawing board or go back to Boston where he belongs, then maybe he will be so inspired…

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