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Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Its Human Evolution"

I'm sick of those stupid car commercials....I’m raising my voice here…People are not buying cars because they have maxed out their credit cards. No one with a brain buys a car in the winter unless they have too and there are too many cars and not enough road. Its because no one has any money left because of the high gas prices so people will make their cars last longer.. Any over paid greedy CEO should know this and compensate. They do things to make us feel guilty so they will close the plants down and lay off all those people. Do not feel sorry for these morons. Its human evolution. Its an example of wants and needs. Anyone with a brain knew this was going to happen when the greedy gas companies messed with the oil prices. I watch and see all the people who are like Gerbils desperately going around in their little wheels, going nowhere. The Feds say they will be raising the taxes on Beer and Alcohol. See what I mean, now the alcoholics will be paying for not only for ruining their lives but for all the mistakes our government and greed have made.

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