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Monday, March 5, 2012

"Guarding Against Gas Price Gouging?"

State Senator Eric Adams, Assemblyman David Weprin Want New York State Gas Stations To Post Contact Information For The Consumer Protection Board, To Guard Against Price Gouging « CBS New York

To report if you think you have been a victim of gas price gouging, call your State Consumer Protection Board.

Comment......WAIT!!! HOLD IT!!!...You don't have to do that! I know who is responsible for price Gouging here in the United States...Let's start with all the oil company CEO's and executives and their share holders all over the world. Obama's friends in Arabia and where ever crude oil comes from. All the American Politicians who have ever taken campaign donations ( THEY ARE THE SAME AS BRIBES) from any oil company. What these Politicians did was give them permission to rape and pillage the American people...Remember! All this greed and insanity had to start at the top...They all should be put in prison. These two guys in New York looking for a few Indian gas station owners skimming a few pennies from the gas costumers is a joke. They are just doing what their bosses are doing.....Looking for price gouging at the pump is a scam. They know who does it!....Its a diversion so big oil can make more Billions in profit....Think about that... BILLIONS IN PROFIT! Money that could be used to keep inflation down and the economy stable.......Barack Obama should be held responsible for standing by and letting this get out of control. I don't know what this ex-Illinois Politician is thinking by NOT doing anything except once again proving he isn't on the side of the people...What more does he have to do or not do prove that...

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