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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Part 2..FBI Removes Hundreds Of Training Documents After Probe On Treatment Of Islam | Fox News

FBI Removes Hundreds Of Training Documents After Probe On Treatment Of Islam | Fox News

"The FBI has removed hundreds of counterterrorism training documents after a months-long review found inaccuracies and other problems in their description of Muslims. The review was triggered after a September blog in Wired magazine revealed training documents that reportedly called the Prophet Muhammad a "cult leader," claimed "devout" Muslims have been generally violent for hundreds of years and made other controversial statements. "

Comment ...............OK, now I think I am starting to understand what they are doing now...Purging the words like Mohamed being a "Cult leader". OK I can understand that...Forgive me here but I have a problem telling the difference between the good Muslims from the bad Muslims..Like which ones will blow-up a class room filled with young boys and girls and the ones that practice Honor Killing. If a Muslim guy can have a bunch a Virgins when he blows up innocent people. Why can't a Muslim woman have the same thing. I think they will stone her to death if she even talks or thinks about that.....I hope they didn't purge the words that said it was not OK to that in the United States...I think those things are legal in Iraq and Afghanistan but not here. .........I hope I can still say those things...
Oh, and one more question, do we still have to have special prisons and supply prayer rugs and a copy of the Koran to the bad ones? Do we still have to prove that just because one of  their religions told them to kill people with bombs doesn't mean they can do that here? ................Sorry, can I still say that?

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